Letter of the week M

Image of Letter of the week M

Little Chicks are learning the letter of the week M they found objects beginning with M, they wrote the letter M in the air, they learnt the M jolly song and wrote M on their white boards following Captain Seasalt on treasure island M.




follow link to learn song 

Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week


Name writing

Image of Name writing

This week we are practising writing our names using these laminated sheets. The children use a whiteboard pen, enabling them to rub out and try again.

After a few attempts on the practise sheets the children will then write their name on paper.

To see more of our writing, please click on…

Category: Little Chicks



Letter of the week j

Image of Letter of the week j


Little Chicks are learning the letter of the week J, they found objects beginning with J, they wrote the letter J in the air and wrote J on their white boards following Captain Seasalt on treasure island J.



follow link for jolly j song 

Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week


Number of the week 8

Image of Number of the week 8

Little Chicks have been learning the number 8, they have found number 8 in the classroom, drawn the number 8 in the air, used their fingers to count out the number 8, counted out buttons to groups of 8 and used the interactive board to write 8 and count objects.



Category: Little Chicks

writing activemaths Counting


Letter of the week h

Image of Letter of the week h

Little Chicks have been learning the letter h. They have learnt the letter h song, found the letter h in the classroom using signs, wrote the letter h on their white boards, identified pictures beginning with h on the interactive board and objects in the letter h bag.




Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week


Little Chicks number 7

Image of Little Chicks number 7

Little Chicks have learning the number 7, they have been layering the number 7 song, writing number 7 on the interactive board, finding number 7 in the classroom, counting out to number 7 and putting numbers in order 0-7.

follow number 7 - number songs for StoryBots 

Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing follow instruction number


Letter of the week g

Image of Letter of the week g

Little Chicks have been learning the letter g. They have learnt the letter g song, found the letter g in the classroom, used their finger to drew in the air,wrote the letter g on their white boards and identified pictures beginning with g on the interactive board.


Look for objects…

writing Singing Letter of the week


Phase 3 Phonics

Image of Phase 3 Phonics

Today we began our Phonics journey into Phase 3 and looked at the letter 'j'.

The children were very excited to move onto their new phase and were busy applying the new phoneme in writing. 

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics


Please Help!!!

Image of Please Help!!!

The Ducklings were met with a surprise when they came to school on Monday. A gingerbread man needed their help. They loved writing letters to him to explain how they would help him.

Category: Ducklings



Letter of the week f

Image of Letter of the week f

Little Chicks have been learning the letter f. They have learnt the letter f song, found the letter f in the classroom using signs, wrote the letter f on their white boards and identified pictures beginning with f on the interactive board.




Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week


Phonics Challenges

Image of Phonics Challenges

The Ducklings have been showing off their phase 2 phonics knowledge and are using it to independently write words and captions.

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics


Letter of the week e

Image of Letter of the week e

Little Chicks have been learning the letter e. They have learnt the letter e song, found the  letter e in the classroom using signs, wrote the letter e on their white boards and identified pictures beginning with e on the interactive board.



follow Jack Hartman to learn the e song 

Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week