Making Patterns

Image of Making Patterns

This week in mathematics the Ducklings are looking at patterns. They will be busy describing patterns, continuing patterns, spotting mistakes within patterns and creating their own. 

We have also noticed that there are patterns around us in the world everywhere.

The children are realising…

Category: Ducklings

maths patterns


Whose tower is the tallest?

Image of Whose tower is the tallest?

Following on from our learning in maths, the Ducklings were keen to build towers and use comparative vocabulary to compare their height.

They used language such as tallest, shortest, taller than and shorter than.

Category: Ducklings

measure maths


Comparing and ordering length

Image of Comparing and ordering length

Today the Ducklings (those who were brave enough to venture outside in the wind and rain!) put their maths knowledge into practise by ordering objects found in the garden in order of their length.

Category: Ducklings

maths outdoor learning



Image of Capacity

The Ducklings have been learning all about capacity and how much a container can hold. They have been thinking about which containers hold the most or least.

Category: Ducklings

maths capacity


Big or Small

Image of Big or Small

This week the Ducklings have been sorting objects according to their size.

Category: Ducklings



Long or Short

Image of Long or Short



The Ducklings have been sorting objects according to whether they are long or short.

They also went on to sort a group of objects in order of their length, using the vocabulary shortest and longest.


Category: Ducklings

measure maths


Weight and Capacity

Image of Weight and Capacity

In Maths this week we are thinking about weight, size and capacity. The children are given a range structured and open ended learning opportunities to develop their mathematical language and reasoning. 

Category: Ducklings

maths Speaking and Listening


Comparing big and small

Image of Comparing big and small

In Maths this week, the children are comparing size, weight and capacity. The children are sorting and comparing a range of objects into big and small, discussing their choices and reasons for their choices. 

Category: Ducklings

maths Speaking and Listening


Matching and Sorting

Image of Matching and Sorting

In mathematics the Ducklings were matching and sorting objects according to a range of criteria such as colour, size and shape.



Category: Ducklings



Matching and sorting

Image of Matching and sorting

In Mathematics this week we are matching and sorting using lots of different objects. There are many different ways we can sort...size, colour, pattern, shape...but giving reasons for our choices is just as important. 

'Sorting for the colour is too easy so I've moved things into small, next…

Category: Ducklings

maths Speaking and Listening


Drawing with shapes

Image of Drawing with shapes

This week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, their different names and some of their properties. The Ducklings enjoyed using the 2D shapes to draw around and create their own pictures. It was great for mark making and pencil control skills too!

Category: Ducklings

maths Shapes Creative learning


2D shapes everywhere!

Image of 2D shapes everywhere!

In Maths this week we are thinking all about 2D shapes. We will be finding shapes, taking about corners and sides, matching 2D shapes to the faces of 3D shapes and making lots of houses and people using shapes. 

Category: Ducklings
