Walk the lights

On Wednesday evening, KS2 went on a family trip to walk the lights.

Year 5 and year 6 were launching their new topic for after half term.

Please email Miss Howarth photographs of you at the illuminations for our display.


What do you like most about Blackpool illuminations? Who did…

Category: Hawks

hawks science Blackpool illuminations KS2 year5 year6 light



Looking forward to "Walking the Lights" tonight.  Hoping it stays dry!!!!

Category: Falcons

trip illuminations


This Week

This week the children have worked very hard indeed!!!  They have produced some excellent Balanced Arguments!!  We are looking forward to writing Adventure based stories next week.  

We are also looking forward to Walking the Lights next Weds night, could any outstanding slips be returned to me…

Category: Falcons

writing illuminations


KS1 Wow Launch

On Friday 13th October, KS1 launched their new topic for after half term. Our next topic in KS1 will be 'Place Where I live'. We launched our new topic at Blackpool Illuminations.

Together with LKS2, we started our evening at the fish and chips shop. In small groups we then walked the…

Category: Herons

Robins Year 2 topic herons year 1 parrots History geography Blackpool illuminations