12 September 2019

Image of This week in Robins...

What a brilliant second week it has been in Robins! 

This week the children have settled into the new routine and are enjoying learning!

We started our class novel 'The Lonely Beast' which we are focusing on in English.

On Monday we had a 'Stunning Start' which involved the children watching a video of a 'creature' found in the fields near school (The Lonely Beast trailer), the children loved this and were instantly hooked!

During Monday afternoon we went on a hunt for the 'creature' to try and find clues in the school grounds, the children spotted lots and were so engaged!

This week we have also thought about our topic 'Where do we come from?' and we created timelines of our lives so far.

Another hunt we went on was for everyday materials in the classroom in Science on Thursday, the children found so many different materials, with wood being the most popular. 

Our first PE lesson was on Friday and we focused on our fundamental movement skills.

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss Gregson 

Category: Robins


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